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Winter Warmer Walk - Chalk Marshes and the fields of Shorne and Chalk

Meeting place - corner of Lower Higham Rd/Castle Lane, Chalk DA12 2NR

On: Tuesday 31st December 2024

Meet: 10.30am corner of Lower Higham Road/Castle Lane, Chalk DA12 2NR

Cost: Free-but donations welcomed.

Gravesend Historical Society Footpaths Committee has arranged this walk across marshes and fields, along public footpaths - it is open to everyone and well behaved dogs. The surfaces are uneven, possibly slippery and there are some stiles on route. Sensible footwear is needed-the walk is about 2 hours and about 4 miles. 

5 December

XR Repair Cafe

27 January

Gravesend a hundred years ago (illustrated talk and fish & chip supper)