Charlie Gordon of Gravesend (Illustrated talk with supper)
Reliance Restaurant, Queen Street, Gravesend
This talk explores Gordon's life in Gravesend and abroad - and much reference is given to the Gordon Schools.
Speaker: Christoph Bull
Begins: 6pm for supper-talk to follow
Price: £23 for both talk and supper
Booking and prepayment by cash essential - Reliance Restaurant 01474 533593 or Jack 07768087036

Growing Up in Gravesend in the 60s
St Mary’s Church Hall, Wrotham Road, Gravesend, DA11 7LL
Gravesend Historical Society invites you to a very interesting talk.
Join Keith Whitnel for a talk about 'Growing up in Gravesend in the 60s'.
Visitors are welcome, voluntary donation £3.

Guided historical walk around Shorne (Guided walk with cream tea)
Meet: 1pm - No 3 Coffee Shop, 9a The Street, Shorne DA12 3EA
Repeated by popular demand, this hour long tour reveals some of Shorne's great stories.
Speaker: Christoph Bull
Price: £15 - includes both the historical guided tour and cream tea
Booking and prepayment essential at No 3 Coffee Shop, Shorne - 07732792290

The Kitchen Garden
Meadow Rooms, The Street, Cobham DA12 3BZ
Cobham Gardeners Society invites you to a talk about The Kitchen Garden by Steve Edney.
Kitchen gardens or potagers as they are called in France conjure up images of wildly romantic spaces which are both beautiful yet functional. Steve's talk will cover a beginners guide to, good design, planting and variety choices plus handy tips to get the best from your fruit, veg and herbs.
Steve has been perfecting his art for over 28 years, accolades include appointment to the RHS Herbaceous Committee, the RHS plant trial forums, multiple RHS Gold medal winner, plus he has appeared on TV several times including Gardeners World!
Members - free, non members £3

Guided Tour of St George’s Church, Gravesend
St George’s Church, Church Street, Gravesend DA11 0DJ
Guided tour of St George’s church (Guided tour to follow short service 15 minutes for Pocahontas and refreshments)
Discover the story of a building that all know, but few understand - loads of grizzly Gravesend stories included.
Guide: Christoph Bull
Price: £10 per person - minimum of 10 people needed for tour to go ahead.
Booking essential by contacting Rev Jim Fletcher (Rector of St George’s Church) on 01474 532505 or jim@stgeorgesgravesend.org

Gad's Hill Place Tours - Higham
Gad's Hill Place, Higham, ME3 7PA
Visit the former home of Charles Dickens, Gad's Hill Place - his 'Little Kentish Freehold'.
When he was a boy Charles Dickens and his father took a walk through Kent. On Gravesend Road they passed a house called Gad’s Hill Place. Young Charles was impressed and bought the house in 1856. In this house he wrote his last four Novels, including Great Expectations and A Tale of Two Cities. He lived there until his death in 1870. Gad’s Hill is set in pleasant grounds. You can visit the ground floor of the house, stroll in the gardens and appreciate Dickens’ love for his country home in the Garden of England.
Enjoy a tour with a Dickens Fellowship guide followed by tea and biscuits.

Gad's Hill Place Tours - Higham
Gad's Hill Place, Higham, ME3 7PA
Visit the former home of Charles Dickens, Gad's Hill Place - his 'Little Kentish Freehold'.
When he was a boy Charles Dickens and his father took a walk through Kent. On Gravesend Road they passed a house called Gad’s Hill Place. Young Charles was impressed and bought the house in 1856. In this house he wrote his last four Novels, including Great Expectations and A Tale of Two Cities. He lived there until his death in 1870. Gad’s Hill is set in pleasant grounds. You can visit the ground floor of the house, stroll in the gardens and appreciate Dickens’ love for his country home in the Garden of England.
Enjoy a tour with a Dickens Fellowship guide followed by tea and biscuits.

Guided historical walk around Gravesend & Milton (Guided tour with Romanian buffet lunch & drinks)
Ambient Romanian Restaurant, 34 Windmill Street, Gravesend
This hour or so long walk will take us around familiar and not so familiar streets, plenty of stories and then back for a buffet lunch, which takes you on another journey to Romania.
Speaker: Christoph Bull
Price: £25 includes tour, buffet lunch and soft drinks - alcoholic drinks available at extra cost.
Booking and prepayment by cash essential - please pay in the restaurant Contact: 07448348613

Gravesend Library - An Audience with Author DJG Palmer
Gravesend Library, Windmill Street, Gravesend, DA12 1BE
DJG Palmer will be talking about his books ‘A Rougher Task’ and ‘In the Ranks of Death’.
This is a heart wrenching LGBTQ+ tale of the brutalities of love and war.
A fight for survival against the backdrop of the emotive Anglo-Zulu War of 1879.
Signed copies of DJG Palmer’s book will be available to purchase
Tickets £2.50 available at the library - Booking essential, please speak to a member of library staff, email gravesendlibrary@kent.gov.uk or call 03000 41 31 31

An Evening of Dode History
The Lost Village of Dode, DA13 0XF
Many people believe that Dode was built in 1100 by Gundulf, a Norman Bishop and contemporary and confidant of both William the Conqueror and his son William Rufus. There is good historical evidence to suggest this. Bishop Gundulf is best known for building the Tower of London (White Tower) and Colchester Castle.
The author of Lord of the Rings, J.R.R Tolkien, was well acquainted with the life and times of Gundulf as he was a professor of Anglo-Saxon history at Oxford.
So, this begs the question; was Gandalf’s name (arguably the most famous wizard in literature) based on the builder of Dode? The similarity to the name together with the reference to the Two Towers certainly may be more than just a coincidence!
If you would like to learn more of both the history of Dode and some of its magical, mystical stories – including the appearance of ‘the Dode Child’ – Doug will be giving a talk in the Church at 7.00pm on Sunday 23rd February 2025.

Plants for Health & Healing
Meadow Rooms, The Street, Cobham DA12 3BZ
Cobham Gardeners Society invites you to a talk called Plants For Health and Healing.
Caroline Halfpenny takes a look at plants that are found in many gardens and in the wild that have been used to improve our health and wellbeing through out history. Some of the plants with healing properties within your own garden may surprise you!
Members - free, non members £3

Iron Pier - Brewery Tour
Iron Pier Brewery, DA11 8RU
Enjoy a Brewery Tour and samples at Iron Pier Beer.
Free tours but please book - 01474 569460

The 1951 Festival of Britain
St Mary’s Church Hall, Wrotham Road, Gravesend, DA11 7LL
All welcome to enjoy a talk by Alan Williams for Gravesend Historical Society.
After the 1940s, the trial of war and post-austerity, the Festival of Britain was to be a tonic. Alan Williams tells the story of the concept, what was planned and how the public joined in.
Visitors are welcome, voluntary donation £3.

Gravesend a hundred years ago (illustrated talk and fish & chip supper)
Reliance Restaurant, Queen Street, Gravesend
Gravesend in the 1920s was a very different town in the time of my father's childhood - find out how different - and how similar!
Speaker: Christoph Bull
Begins 6pm for talk - supper to follow
Cost: £23 inclusive of talk and supper
Booking and pre-payment essential - Reliance Restaurant 01474 533593 or Jack 07768087036

Winter Warmer Walk - Chalk Marshes and the fields of Shorne and Chalk
Meeting place - corner of Lower Higham Rd/Castle Lane, Chalk DA12 2NR
On: Tuesday 31st December 2024
Meet: 10.30am corner of Lower Higham Road/Castle Lane, Chalk DA12 2NR
Cost: Free-but donations welcomed.
Gravesend Historical Society Footpaths Committee has arranged this walk across marshes and fields, along public footpaths - it is open to everyone and well behaved dogs. The surfaces are uneven, possibly slippery and there are some stiles on route. Sensible footwear is needed-the walk is about 2 hours and about 4 miles.

XR Repair Cafe
The XR Repair Café - Bicycles, electricals, ceramics, clocks, fabrics repaired and restored when possible.
First Thursday in every month, 10am to 2pm.
Tea coffee biscuits. Donations welcome.

Cold War for Christmas- how Armageddon (End of the World) was going to be planned in Swanscombe & Gravesham (Illustrated talk)
Church Road Hall, Church Road, Swanscombe
Speakers: Christoph Bull (Local Historian) and Victor Smith (Expert on local fortifications, defences and archaeology)
On: Tuesday 3rd December 2024
At: Church Road Hall, Church Road, Swanscombe (a building constructed for Cold War purposes)
Begins: 7.30pm
Cost: Free-but donations welcomed.

Charlie Gordon of Gravesend (illustrated talk)
Shorne Village Hall, The Street, Shorne
General Gordon is well remembered-but how much do we know about him-and what is his legacy?
Speaker: Christoph Bull (Local Historian)
On: Thursday 21st November 2024 - begins 2pm
At: Shorne Village Hall, The Street, Shorne
Price: Free to members of Shorne Local History Group - visitors £5 payable at the door. No need to book.

Myths & Legends of Gravesham and Dartford (illustrated talk with lunch)
Gardeners Arms public house, Forge Lane, Higham
The twilight world of our local history explored-you will be amazed at what Gravesham and Dartford have to offer in folk tales and secrets.
Speaker: Christoph Bull (Local Historian)
On: Monday 18th November 2024
At: Gardeners Arms public house, Forge Lane, Higham - beginning at 11am for the talk, lunch to follow
Price: £18 for both lunch and talk
Booking essential 01474 823337 or sarahluchgardenersarms@gmail.com

XR Repair Cafe
The XR Repair Café - Bicycles, electricals, ceramics, clocks, fabrics repaired and restored when possible.
First Thursday in every month, 10am to 2pm.
Tea coffee biscuits. Donations welcome.

Higham's history from A to Z (illustrated talk with lunch)
Sant & Davison Florists and café, High Street, Strood
All you wanted to know about Higham - but were afraid to ask!
Speaker: Christoph Bull (Local Historian)
On: Wednesday 6th November 2024 - begins 11am for talk-lunch to follow
Price: £16 for lunch, hot drink and talk-amazing value!
Booking essential 01634 393021 or sant_davison@hotmail.com

Chalk Parish - the struggle to keep our identity - Chalk's history since 1945
Reliance Restaurant, DA12 2EE
Join local historian for an illustrated talk and fish and chip supper.
Join local historian Christoph Bull for an illustrated talk and fish and chip supper.
This brand new talk explores what has happened to Chalk in our lifetime and how it fights to survive as an independent place.
Booking essential - places limited - Reliance Restaurant 01474 533593 or 07768087036.
Meet at 6pm at Reliance Restaurant, Queen Street, Gravesend. 6pm for supper and talk to follow.
Cost: £22 to include talk and supper.

Royal Terrace Pier Evening - Vicky, Fritz & The Royal Terrace Pier
Royal Terrace Pier, DA12 2BP
Join local historian for an illustrated talk with light refreshments.
Christoph Bull and the Port of London Authority are bringing you a chance to listen to a brand new talk about Gravesend and Europe in the 1860s - with a chance to visit the Royal Terrace Pier.
Booking essential - places limited - please text your name, contact number and number of people to 07702287147.
Of course you are wondering who Vicky and Fritz are, and the role they played in local and European history. Well come and find out!
Free but donations welcome.

Upnor to Upper Halling - Medway Valley Adventure
2 Forge Lane, ME3 7AS
Enjoy an illustrated talk with lunch revealing some of the surprises hidden in this part of the Medway Valley, adjoining Gravesham.
Booking essential - 01474 823337 or sarahluchgardenersarms@gmail.com
£18 per head.

The Church, the Princess and the Pub
Post Office Collection Office, The Grove, Gravesend
Join Christoph Bull for a short guided tour with supper afterwards.
Join local historian Christoph Bull for a short distance guided tour of St George's Church and churchyard and find out many historical facts about Gravesend including Pocahontas, General Gordon, slums and Irish invasion.
Car parking is free after 6pm in Gravesham Borough Council car parks - but not St George's Shopping Centre.
Booking essential - Three Daws Public House - 01474 566869
Cost £28 inclusive of guided tour, church donation and supper at the Three Daws.

Vine & Meadow walk
Luddesdown Vineyards, Silverhand Estates, DA13 0XE
We are delighted to welcome you on a guided walk around the vineyards of Luddesdown, finishing off with a glass of English bubbles.
Get to know the picturesque location of Luddesdown and its meadows and vineyards.
A guide will walk you around the estate, giving you a brief history of the area, the grape varieties we planted and how we grow and process them. You will also get to enjoy the surrounding meadows and learn about the flowers and animals that call these vineyards their home. You will learn about their roles on the vineyard, as well as the conservation work we are undertaking around the site.
We will end the tour at one of the UK's oldest inhabited residences; Luddesdown Court, and enjoy the exquisite gardens whilst sampling wines produced by the Silverhand Estate.
Duration of the tour: 2 hours 30 minutes.
Please dress for the weather. The tour will go ahead come rain or shine.
It will be a moderate walk, with some steep climbs, so please wear appropriate footwear and bring your cameras as there will be plenty of photo opportunities!

Vine & Meadow walk
Luddesdown Vineyards, Silverhand Estates, DA13 0XE
We are delighted to welcome you on a guided walk around the vineyards of Luddesdown, finishing off with a glass of English bubbles.
Get to know the picturesque location of Luddesdown and its meadows and vineyards.
A guide will walk you around the estate, giving you a brief history of the area, the grape varieties we planted and how we grow and process them. You will also get to enjoy the surrounding meadows and learn about the flowers and animals that call these vineyards their home. You will learn about their roles on the vineyard, as well as the conservation work we are undertaking around the site.
We will end the tour at one of the UK's oldest inhabited residences; Luddesdown Court, and enjoy the exquisite gardens whilst sampling wines produced by the Silverhand Estate.
Duration of the tour: 2 hours 30 minutes.
Please dress for the weather. The tour will go ahead come rain or shine.
It will be a moderate walk, with some steep climbs, so please wear appropriate footwear and bring your cameras as there will be plenty of photo opportunities!

Higham Marshes Circular Walk
Nuralite Industrial Estate, Canal Road, Higham, Kent, ME3 7JA
Join Liz Jeffery for a Higham Marshes Circular Walk.
This Gravesend Historical Society Footpaths walk is open to all.
Free and no need to book.

Evening Summer Stroll - Cobham Hall
Cobham Hall, Cobham DA12 3BL
Visit the magnificent grounds of Cobham Hall for an Evening Summer Stroll!
Join an Evening Summer Stroll in the magnificent grounds of Cobham Hall.
Only £8 per person.
For more information please contact – 01474 823371 or enquiries@cobhamhall.com

Gravesend's Victorian Dream - A Guided Historical Walk
Post Office Collection Office, The Grove, Gravesend
Join local historian Christoph Bull for a guided historical walk around Wellington Street area with a visit to the Zoar Chapel.
Please meet outside Post Office Collection Office, The Grove, Gravesend - opposite the Clock Tower.
A donation of £6 per head is requested.
No need to book just turn up.

Cobham to Gold Street Circular Walk
Cobham Church, DA12 3DB
Join guide Jenny Ellett for the circular walk.
Enjoy a Gravesend Historical Society Footpaths walk which is open to all.
Free and no need to book.

Dode Church - Open for Public Visits
Dode Church, Luddesdown, Great Buckland, DA13 0XF
The public open days continue and you are welcome to come along and spend time here at Dode in the church and grounds…children and dogs welcome.
Volunteer, Anna, be on site between 12-3pm for anyone wishing to visit on this Sunday.
With limited parking onsite we ask that you please be respectful of parking and others on site.
Any donations are welcome towards The Wisdom Hospice and there will be a collection box available.

Guided tour of St Peter & St Paul's Church, Swanscombe - launch of The Friends of St Peter & St Paul's
St Peter & St Paul's church, Swanscombe Street, Swanscombe
Guide: Christoph Bull
On: Saturday 1st June 2024
Meet: 2pm at St Peter & St Paul's church, Swanscombe Street, Swanscombe
Donations welcomed
Information: via the Priest in Charge 01322 383160

The only one that got away-the unique story of how a POW crossed the world and escaped from Gravesend (Illustrated talk and supper)
Reliance Fish Bar, 4 Queen Street, Gravesend, Kent DA12 2EE
This story is truly a unique First World War adventure linking Germany, The Netherlands, USA, China and Kent-and this story should be as famous locally as Pocahontas or General Gordon. Come along and be amazed.
Speaker: Christoph Bull
At: Reliance Restaurant, Queen Street, Gravesend
Begins: 6pm for supper-talk to follow
Cost: £22 for the talk with award winning fish & chip supper
Booking and pre payment essential 01474 533593 (Reliance Restaurant) or Jack 07768087036

Cobham Wood & Mausoleum
Darnley Mausoleum, Lodge lane, Cobham
Set within the Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, Cobham Wood is one of the few ancient wood pastures remaining in the UK. Comprising of open grassland and mature trees, this Special Site of Scientific Interest is grazed by Highland Cattle.
Standing at the highest point of the site is the 18th century Darnley Mausoleum. Designed by architect James Wyatt, the restored Mausoleum was featured in the BBCs Restoration programme in 2003.
The Mausoleum and South Lodge Barn are open on select dates during the summer. Free entry and no booking required.
More info - www.nationaltrust.org.uk/cobham-wood-and-mausoleum
There is no parking at Cobham Woods, the nearest parking at Shorne Wood Country Park. Via the M2 and A2. Exit A2 at Shorne/Cobham. Follow signs for Shorne Country Park. Parking: The car park at Shorne Country Park is not owned by the National Trust, there is a small fee charged for all day parking. The Mausoleum is approximately a two mile walk from here. Sat Nav: Shorne Wood Country Park DA12 3HX.

Guided heritage walk of Rosherville -Rosherville Gardens and Rosherville new town explained
Elephant's Head public house, London Road, Rosherville, Northfleet
Guide: Christoph Bull
On: Saturday 11th May 2024
Meet: 1pm outside Elephant's Head public house, London Road, Rosherville, Northfleet
Cost: Free-no need to book
This is the last of the Cementfields People's Archive joint heritage walks with Christoph Bull (Local Historian)-the project ends in June. All are welcome.

Cobham Wood & Mausoleum
Darnley Mausoleum, Lodge lane, Cobham
Set within the Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, Cobham Wood is one of the few ancient wood pastures remaining in the UK. Comprising of open grassland and mature trees, this Special Site of Scientific Interest is grazed by Highland Cattle.
Standing at the highest point of the site is the 18th century Darnley Mausoleum. Designed by architect James Wyatt, the restored Mausoleum was featured in the BBCs Restoration programme in 2003.
The Mausoleum and South Lodge Barn are open on select dates during the summer. Free entry and no booking required.
More info - www.nationaltrust.org.uk/cobham-wood-and-mausoleum
There is no parking at Cobham Woods, the nearest parking at Shorne Wood Country Park. Via the M2 and A2. Exit A2 at Shorne/Cobham. Follow signs for Shorne Country Park. Parking: The car park at Shorne Country Park is not owned by the National Trust, there is a small fee charged for all day parking. The Mausoleum is approximately a two mile walk from here. Sat Nav: Shorne Wood Country Park DA12 3HX.

Cobham Wood & Mausoleum
Darnley Mausoleum, Lodge lane, Cobham
Set within the Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, Cobham Wood is one of the few ancient wood pastures remaining in the UK. Comprising of open grassland and mature trees, this Special Site of Scientific Interest is grazed by Highland Cattle.
Standing at the highest point of the site is the 18th century Darnley Mausoleum. Designed by architect James Wyatt, the restored Mausoleum was featured in the BBCs Restoration programme in 2003.
The Mausoleum and South Lodge Barn are open on select dates during the summer. Free entry and no booking required.
More info - www.nationaltrust.org.uk/cobham-wood-and-mausoleum
There is no parking at Cobham Woods, the nearest parking at Shorne Wood Country Park. Via the M2 and A2. Exit A2 at Shorne/Cobham. Follow signs for Shorne Country Park. Parking: The car park at Shorne Country Park is not owned by the National Trust, there is a small fee charged for all day parking. The Mausoleum is approximately a two mile walk from here. Sat Nav: Shorne Wood Country Park DA12 3HX.