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Greenhithe to Greenland – The Sir John Franklin Disastrous Expedition to the North West Passage

Reliance Fish Bar, 4 Queen Street, Gravesend, Kent DA12 2EE

Greenhithe to Greenland-the Sir John Franklin disastrous expedition to the North West Passage  (Illustrated talk and supper)
The gruesome story of high hopes of discovery leaving Greenhithe and an Icey grave in the Canadian Arctic.

Speaker:  Christoph Bull (Local Historian)

On: Monday 18th March 2024

Meet: 6pm for supper-talk to follow-at Reliance Restaurant, Queen Street, Gravesend

Cost: £22 for award winning fish and chips with talk all included

Booking essential: Reliance Restaurant 01474 533593 or Jack on 07768087036

17 March

Gad’s Hill Place Tour

22 March

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