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Out Of The Fire Installation

St George’s Arts Centre, St George’s Shopping Centre, Gravesend, Kent

We're excited about our Cabinet Exhibition in the gallery.

Local Artist, Mona Whitton, created this installation as part of an event held in July 2023 to showcase art projects which give Hope to those at risk of suicide and self-harm living in Kent and Medway.  Over the past 5 years the Kent and Medway Suicide Prevention Programme has supported over 15 different arts projects and have seen first hand the impact the arts can have, how they can boost confidence and offer a form of expression which feels safe to participants. 

The Kent and Medway Suicide Prevention Strategy’s ambition is to reduce the number of people dying by suicide in Kent and Medway. Many people are facing extremely difficult circumstances (whether that’s in relation to their health, their relationships or their finances), but, “There is Hope. If more people talk openly about mental health and suicide, spot the signs, ask the right questions, and listen without judgement, we can make a difference.”

'Into the Fire Installation' is the concept of visual artist, Mona Whitton.  It consisted of 300, uniquely decorated pots, installed together to form one cohesive piece.  Through her piece she seeks to raise awareness of mental health issues within society, reminding us that there is always hope.

Each bowl represents a person, unique and proud to highlight their 'breakages' as part of their story which adds to their beauty.

The raku fired bowls displayed here are those that participants of the project stipulated they did not want returned at the end of the Hope Exhibition.  Monies raised from the sales of these bowls will be used to buy materials for further mental health art projects within Gravesend.

1 October

Paint & Petals

7 October

The Big Draw – Nature-connection and Poetry workshop